
Timely Trends

As real estate experts, it’s our job to be on top of all of the latest trends when it comes to everything home and garden. That means knowing what’s going on in the market at all times and what people do and don’t want to see on the inside and outside of their homes. To share our knowledge with you, we will be offering our take every month on all of the timely trends that may impact you if you’re looking to buy, sell or just keep your home up-to-date. We’ll begin by taking a look at the spring real estate market and why it’s the best time to buy or sell a house.

Spring Brings New Beginnings

According to REALTOR Brooke Tart, “Spring is the best time to sell a home because people are coming out from being cooped up during the winter, and they’re ready to find something new.” When potential buyers are looking at a house, they use all of their senses. If it’s cold, rainy, and dark outside, they are more likely to not enjoy their experience and not have a good feeling about the house. If the weather is comfortable, if there are fresh flowers, and if the home feels light and airy, people are more likely to picture themselves there.

More Buyers are Looking for Homes in the Spring

REALTOR Liz Schoeneberger says the spring real estate market is the best time to sell because that’s simply when there are more buyers looking for homes. “There are a variety of reasons for this including trying to buy before kids are out of school for the summer, better weather, and landscaping looking nicer.” The simple fact is that most homes are at their best in the spring, so that’s when buyers want to see them.

More Houses are Available in the Spring Real Estate Market

Of course, the flip side to all of this is that spring is the best time for buyers because there are more houses on the market. REALTOR Hope Galunas echoes what has already been said but from the perspective of a buyer. “Sellers believe their yards and gardens look the most appealing during the spring so that’s when buyers will have more inventory to choose from.”

Bottom Line on the Spring Real Estate Market

The bottom line on the spring real estate market is that while there is a home out there for everyone, you’ll have a much better chance as a buyer at finding it during this time of year. For sellers, the process is usually made much simpler and goes much faster if you have your home ready to list in the spring. After all, the sooner someone else can start living their dream in your current home, the sooner you’ll be able to start living yours somewhere else.
